Thursday, December 27, 2012

Journey To Nibiru, A Clear And Present Danger

Journey To Nibiru, A Clear And Present Danger

With all the bits and pieces of documentaries, predictions, calculations, theories, beliefs, news, videos and images about Nibiru or Planet X that I came across while browsing the internet for more than a decade now, I finally decided to take a closer look at this interesting subject. I started my own journey to this unusual hypothetical cosmic object last December 19, 2012.

My journey was largely motivated by the recent frequent sightings of Two-Suns uploaded in the YouTube and the increased activities of unidentified objects around the Sun as shown by the STEREO images. These objects around the Sun appears like spacecrafts, huge- like planets, usually seen with wings, and move with unbelievable speed across the solar system and back for few seconds. Whenever they get close to the sun, STEREO images often capture beam of lights as if there are objects shooting at them. They are indeed mystifying sight to watch and thus invite extreme curiosity.

I have to admit that this journey was unconventional in the sense that I carry with me lots of biases. Among these biases are those which I learned through my family and continued to believe in as true from childhood and in turn influence my discernment, such as: the world will not be destroyed by cosmic collision; we are not created or altered by another being from the outer space; and, there are unseen beings at our midst living in a parallel world.

These unseen beings, from the stand point of what I happened to believe in, were made out of smokeless fire. Getting burned or emitting light at whatever form isn't  a problem for them. They can take the form of an animal, a tree, and an object that may change shape. They have the ability to get inside and possess a human body. A group of them have wings, with heads like that of a vulture, and they could fly. Another group looks like  snakes or despicable monsters. The rest are those that can move around and into the outer space with incredible speed within seconds. They all have freewill and may choose to be seen for a while if they desire. A great number of them are thriving under water. They are of this very planet that we too exist, also to live and multiply.

Going back to where my journey took me. Yesterday, December 27, 2012, at about 1:15 PM, the Sun happened to show up after three cloudy days. I rushed outside to execute my experiment of hoping to catch a glimpse of the second bright object next to the Sun. At first look, it was the same Sun that I always find at any sunny day. I raised my cellphone and moved the white paper close to its camera to filter the blinding light of the Sun. To my surprise, there is indeed a very bright object along side with it. It appears to be closer to earth than the Sun. Though it shines on its own, the ray of the Sun could be seen flowing on its sides from behind. I took several snapshots before this window of opportunity was covered by the clouds again. It was already drizzling when I was able to view the snapshots in my airbook.

I reviewed the snapshots along with all the information I gathered. Later that afternoon, I found it more of convenience that the journey didn't after all take me far out into the outer space and back on Earth.  It seems to me that the journey will end up where I started it, seven days ago. I found it as a journey to an episode of realization. Whether what I saw is a known planet or asteroid in the solar system doesn't really matter. Even if it is listed or not among the objects approaching Earth, that are constantly being tracked, doesn't surprise me. It is enough to me that the object is something that can be seen by the naked eye, and not a myth. I found myself naive with what I already knew before I started my journey. Nevertheless, it is also a worthwhile journey into the reasons why a group of human kind, that constitutes nearly a quarter of the world population, don't mind the various aspects of this introduced clear and present danger that is Nibiru or Planet X. 

Towards the end of my journey I suddenly felt an unusual sadness and resentment.  What if it is this introduced clear and present danger, professed to be coming from outer space or from extra terrestrial beings, is what drive human governments to invest into war, to quench the insatiable call for resources, that justifies a blind eye towards the hungry and the weak who are better off dead than alive when the said anticipated threat manifests itself? What if the cause why nations and world governments were too deep into indebtedness is because we spent so much in preparation for saving some of us underneath the Earth, building warcraft that could fly into orbit and back carrying powerful nukes, and inventing warfare to effectively track and strike this anticipated threat.

Well, I guess it is better for the unseen to be regarded unseen in order for human kind to maintain sanity. Seems like this is where my unpopular, seemingly unseen journey ends.

The image used was captured using white printing paper and a common android cellphone inspired by the experiment done by someone only known as Mike Bishop. This image was captured at about 1:22 PM, December 27, 2012, Philippines.

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